TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable  Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
TRX DMX512 Addressable Waterproof 120LED DC24V Led Strip light Marquee SMD2835W Oq suv 10mm esnek dastlabki programmable
PCB eni:
LED soni:
-25℃- 40℃
Ishlab chiqarish temperaturasi:
-25℃- 40℃
Yorug'lik rangi:
Yolg'iz Rangli WW/NW/CW
50000 soat
Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Minimus buyurtma miqdori:20 meters

ARTLITE GROUP is a leading LED lighting manufacturer specializing in the design, production, and supply of innovative LED solutions. We leverage extensive experience to deliver custom designs and manufacturing tailored to meet unique client specifications.


TEL: +86 139 2332 1304


Address: Mingwang Industrial Park, No. 96, Shunxing North Road, Henglan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China


LED Linear Light


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